Category Archives: Civil Engineering

A comprehensive look at what we do at McNeil Engineering

Here at McNeil Engineering, we’re proud to have more than 30 years of experience doing [...]

A wide range of engineering services

Here at McNeil Engineering, we provide comprehensive design services that include civil engineering, structural engineering, [...]

Some of our proudest civil engineering projects

There are many different types of engineers and engineering projects. At McNeil Engineering, we employ [...]

You’d never guess these products were invented by engineers!

So many of humanity’s greatest inventions are the work of well-known historical engineers. Some of [...]

McNeil’s different types of engineers

As our name, McNeil Engineering, suggests, we specialize in engineering and are proud to have [...]

McNeil Engineering builds long-lasting client relationships

At McNeil Engineering, we’re always in search of new projects, but we also like to [...]

History’s most famous structural engineers

When we think of the incredible engineering feats of the world, we often think of [...]

The hidden ingredient for fast food expansion

However, there comes a time in the life cycle of every business – small, big, [...]

Modern civil engineering feats

The modern world is full of engineering marvels. From bridges to towering buildings to environmental [...]

The Eiffel Tower: A 19th-century feat of structural engineering

If you’ve ever traveled to Paris, chances are good you’ve visited the Eiffel Tower. The [...]