Category Archives: Community
Project feature: 21 & View
At McNeil Engineering, we love highlighting work that our various departments have completed. Our structural [...]
A look at Utah’s Infrastructure Report Card
Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers releases a National Infrastructure Report. Within [...]
Three effective ways to protect your private information
Do you know the most effective way to protect your private information? It sounds simple, [...]
Responsive and sustainable planning and design services
We know that how your facility looks and functions makes all the difference. That’s why [...]
Matt Roblez Assesses the Growth of 3D Printing Implementation
As a civil engineering professional who has earned board certification and licensure as a structural [...]
Matt Roblez Encourages Female Entrepreneurship
Matt Roblez is one diverse professional who has not only championed the challenges of civil [...]
Matthew Roblez Reacts to Self-Healing Concrete
“Civil and structural engineer Matthew Roblez offers his comments on the development of concrete that [...]
Group Trained by CCI Proves Its Worth in First Deployment
Brian Warner, S.E. LEED AP, an employee of McNeil Engineering Structural Department is a member of [...]
The weight of snow causes collapsing roof concerns
Originally published by KUTV There’s more snow on the way, and a possible return of [...]